Hola! Esta entrada es para resumir como ha ido el torneo, han sido cuatro partidas, todas ellas interesantes y fructiferas. Si alguien que salga en las fotos no quiere salir que deje un comentario y le difumino.
Partida uno, contra Asineh.
Contra halflings, mi rival tenia dos arboles con placar, los dos garrapatos y todos los halfos con armadura 9+, si si como ois...todos. En esta partida sabia que mis jugadores mas importantes serian el garrapato y la motosierra, osea que no habia que exponerles a lo loco. Empiezo defendiendo y mientras el avanza ambos vamos haciendo bajas, le robo el balon y meto TD en mi turno 6 debido a que me presiona muy bien, en su ultimo turno consigue lanzar un halfo y meter TD. Me explusan la sierra y empezamos segunda parte, con el tiempo justo, como un buen jugador me deja hacer un lanzamiento de halfling antes de recoger pero no llego a la linea de milagro, osea 1 - 1.
Partida dos, contra Emi.
Contra ogros, cinco ogros y un punter, dos con placar, dos con guardia, otro con abrirse paso y alguna otra habilidad que no recuerdo. Ataco yo, me roba la bola y la aguanta bien, la cosa parecia no pintar bien hasta que la motosierra saca a un ogro en mi tercer turno y otro en el quinto, pero no evito que consiga marcar. El empieza a sacar una cantidad ingente de unos para las tiradas de cabeza hueca, lo que hace que al final de la primera parte yo pueda jugar bastante tranquilo y meta 1 TD. La segunda parte empieza un poco al reves y la cosa se equilibra un con dos resultados de enraizado, pero no conseguimos marcar, terminamos 1 - 1. Quiero dar las gracias a Emi por su paciencia y su buen caracter, incluso cuando sacaba uno tras uno.
Partida tres, contra Jull45.
Contra goblins, bomber jugador estrella y roster completo menos fanatico. La partida empieza muy muy mal para mi, en mi turno 3 ya no tenia arboles en el campo, uno se curo con el medico y el otro salio KO. Su hooligan con furtivo y rastrero junto con unos apoyos muy inteligentes saca 4 halflings seguidos. En su turno 8 marca con yo solo 4 halflings boca abajo en el campo. Le expulsan uno de los bombarderos. Salen ambos arboles y todos mis reservas, la motosierra se libra de ser expulsada gracias al soborno de equipo. Ataco y empieza la fiesta, todos mis placajes con POWs y mis tiradas muy buenas, rapidamente gano superioridad numerica y avanzo con la bola para marcar en mi quinto. Empiezo y debido a la superioridad numerica le robo la bola para meter el segundo TD en mi turno 8. Claro ejemplo de partido que empieza muy torcido y termina bien, Jull45 me hizo 9 heridas y quedo primero en CAS llevandose el premio correspondiente.
Partida cuatro, contra DeivySP.
Contra underworld stunty. Muchas mutaciones y varias habilidades buenas. Empiezo y siguiendo con la racha del partido anterior saco varios jugadores antes que el, gano la superioridad pero una brecha en mi defensa y con una accion de penetración inteligente me quita la bola, pero no consigue marcar, terminando la primera parte con ambos a cero. Empieza la segunda parte, con la superiridad presiono bien, pero el mago Baddon con un 4+ saca un portal y mete TD desde su linea de TD hasta la mia en su turno 5, si como lo ois, a 4+ y luego aterrizar y tienes TD, easy! Ataco y marco TD en mi ultimo turno para empatar, he de decir que la partida estuvo marcada por el mago y por la cantidad de unos de mi rival, no hacia una esquiva derecha el hombre...sin mago la hubiera ganado casi seguro, pero esto es BB!
Resumen. Un torneo interesante y divertido, en el que he conocido gente contra la que habia jugado por internet y ahora puedo ponerles cara. Mi compañero se llevo el premio al mejor stunty y yo me voy con una sensación agridulce al sentir que he tenido mas suerte que mis rivales, pero su venganza llegara, ya que lo que Nuffle te da, Nuffle te lo quita!
Dar las gracias tanto a la organización y al NAFto.
Hasta la proxima!
Hi, this entry to summarize how the tournament went, there were four games, all of them interesting and fruitful.
Game one, against Asineh.
Against halflings, my opponents had two treemen with bloc, the two stars squigs and all the halfling with 9+ armour, yes, as you can hear...all of them. In this game I knew that my most important players would be the star squig and the chainsaw, so I didn't expose them much. I start defending and as he advances we both did some injuries, I steal the ball and get a TD on my turn 6 because he pressures me very well, on his last turn he manages to throw a halfling and get a TD. I got the chainsaw out and we start the second half, without enough time, as a good player he lets me make a halfling throw before picking up but I don't get the line by miracle, so 1 - 1.
Game two, against Emi.
Against ogres, five ogres and a punter, two with block, two with guard, one with break tackle and some other ability I can't remember. I start attacking, but he steals the ball and holds it well, it didn't look good until the chainsaw takes out an ogre on my third turn and another one on my fifth, but I could not stop him from scoring. He starts to get a huge amount of ones for the bonehead rolls, which means that at the end of the first half I can play quite calmly and score 1 TD. The second half starts a bit the other way round and things get hard with two rooting scores, but we don't manage to score more, so we end up 1 - 1. I want to thank Emi for his patience and good mood, even when he rolled one after one.
Game three, against Jull45.
Against goblins, bomber star player and full roster less fanatic. The game starts too bad for me, in my third turn I had no trees on the field, one was healed with the apo and the other was KO. His hooligan with sneaky git and dirty player along with some very clever support takes out 4 halflings in a row. On his turn 8 he scored with only 4 halflings face down on the field. He gets one bomber sent off. Both trees and all my reserves come out, the chainsaw is not kicked out thanks to the team bribe. I attack and the party starts, all my blocks with POWs and my armor rolls were very good, he is overnumbered quickly and I could go forward with the ball to score in my fifth. I start and due to the numerical superiority I steal the ball to score the second TD on my turn 8. A clear example of a game that starts fucked up and ended well, Jull45 made me 9 wounds and was first in CAS gaining the prize.
Game four, against DeivySP.
Against underworld stunty. Some goblins packed with mutations and several good abilities. I start and following the streak of the previous game I take out several players before him, I win the superiority but a gap in my defense and a clever blitz action achieve a ball stole, the bounce got away from me, but he did not score, ending the first half with both tied with zero. The second half begun, with the superiority I pressed well, but the Baddon wizard with a 4+ took out a portal and scores a TD from his TD line to mine on his turn 5, yes as you hear, a 4+ and a succesful landing and you have TD, easy! I attacked and scored TD in my last turn to tie, I must say that the game was marked by the mage and by the amount of ones my rival rolled, he didn't make a right dodge...without mage I would have won almost surely, but this is BB!
To finish, it was an interesting and funny tournament, where I met people I had played against on internet and now I can put a face to them. My partner took the prize for best stunty and I leave with a bittersweet feeling that I've been more lucky than my opponents, but his revenge will come, because what Nuffle gives you, Nuffle takes away!
I would like to thank the organization and the NAFto.
See you next time!
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